Why Perth Greywater?
There are several reasons to select us as your Grey Water plumbing provider…
We are licensed and certified plumbers:
- We are MPA (Master Plumbers Association) Certified
- We are MPA Envirowest Certified
We understand the regulations and abide by them:
- Perth Greywater is certified to carry out in sewered and understands what must be undertaken by a licensed plumber under the Water Services Coordination (Plumbers Licensing) Regulations 2000
- We also understand and abide by AS/NZS 3500 – National Plumbing and Drainage Code
Our levels of service are high:
- We have multiple qualified plumbers available and on call 24/7 across WA (Western Australia)
- Our experience in working with Greywater Products is next to none
- Our team is on call to discuss issues with your system via our hotline: 1300 735 949
We are certified with the manufacturers:
- We are certified installers of several Grey Water System manufacturers products, including:
- We offer maintenance plans to assure that your Greywater Solution is managed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
We can assist you with local government or EDPH approvals:
- WA requires the local government and EDPH approval for the construction or installation of greywater systems. We can recommend what you need to adhere to the guidelines set out by the code of practice and your local government authority.
- When necessary we obtain approvals from sewerage service providers for any required connection or modification on the plumbing works connected to the sewer systems of our clients’ premises.
We can consult you on the best greywater system which is suited for your specific needs and requirements:
- We can calculate based on your current household size the size of system you require.
- Then we can explain the benefits of the different systems so you can make an informed decision.
Do you want to know more?
- Please feel free to Contact Us with any questions you may have.