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The State Government of WA as part of their 5 Star Rating Plus Stage Two changes are reviewing making it mandatory for the installation of rainwater tanks and the piping to allow grey-water systems in new houses.

When selecting a greywater system provider certain key issues have to be addressed which is why you need to do your research. We have provided a list below to assist you in this task.

Grey Water Selection and Installation Check List:

Is the Greywater System I’m selecting WA Health Department Approved?

To check if your Greywater System is approved by the WA Health Department go to Approved Greywater Systems

Am I hiring a licensed plumber to install and maintain my greywater system?

The State Plumbng Code requires a licensed plumber to be involved if you wish to intercept water once it enters the drainage system. The Water Corporation of WA also needs to approve the diversion of water pipes away from your septic system for use in a grey water system. A license plumber such as Perth Environmental Plumbers can advise and assist in the selection, installation and maintenance of your greywater system in line with the relevant state plumbing code.

Does my Greywater system installation abide by WA Department of Housing and Works 5 Star Plus Standards?

In August 2007 the WA Department of Housing and Works released its 5 Star Plus Standards stated in Building Note No. 51. It set down the 5 star plus standards will commence on the 1st of September 2007 to provide greater energy and water efficiency in buildings.

The 5 Star Standards are to be implemented in two stages with the first stage having been imposed via changes to the Building Regulations 1989.

Stage 1 of the 5 Star Building Standards will regulate:

  1. Greenhouse gases emitted by a building’s hot water heating system.
  2. The efficient use of potable water within buildings.

What this means is that as of September 2007 hot water systems with a 5 Star Rating are mandatory, as are the use of tap and shower fittings which are water saving friendly.

Stage 2 of the 5 Star Building Standards will regulate:

  1. The use of alternative water supply systems.
  2. The use of grey water recycling systems.

Meaning that as of May 2008 the new regulations surrounding alternative water supply, such as rain water tanks will be introduced. While Grey Water Recycling systems will become a necessity for all homes.

It is not yet totally clear as to the extent of regulation which will be introduced into the WA market relating to grey water systems. However, the building codes do indicate that secondary greywater piping must be introduced into all new homes.

Does my building have to comply with the 5 Star Plus Standards?

The 5 Star Plus standards will apply to all new class 1 and 10 buildings (e.g. all new houses and associated outbuildings and associated swimming pools.)

Does the greywater system selected and the installer meet with the regulations outlined in the Code of Practice? for the Reuse of Greywater in Western Australia

he Department of Environment Department of Health and th Water Corporation have set out guidelines and information for the selection and installation of greywater systems. Copies are available at Department of Water.